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How can companies identify and seize new opportunities while navigating ongoing COVID-19 uncertainty? The traditional “present-forward” strategy merely extends today’s operating and business models into the future. “Future-back” thinking and strategy, on the other hand, enables leaders to create a clear vision of their organization’s intended future and to anticipate and grasp opportunities for breakthrough growth— and to stop doing the things that are becoming irrelevant.
Co-authors Mark W. Johnson and Josh Suskewicz break down the benefits of the future-back approach and explore how leaders can:
- Align on a bold vision for the future, connect it to corporate strategy, and then program it for real progress
- Navigate ongoing uncertainty while at the same seizing post-COVID-19 opportunities for growth through new business models and offerings
- Embed future-back thinking in both an organization’s C-suite and its wider culture
- Learn from unicorns such as Amazon and Google and long-established enterprises like Procter & Gamble and J&J that have consistently sustained their growth